
Monitoring of the work



The commissioning of electromechanical installations is a logical continuation of the construction of a project. This step, unfortunately, is often neglected by the various stakeholders and often hurts the achievement of the final objectives of a project. In addition to monitoring the work, the VOSS Experts-Conseils team can assist the contractor and your team in a structured commissioning process. This structure will allow for:

  • Ensuring the respect of the spirit of the plans and specifications and the design in the control of the different equipment.
  • Ensuring that the comfort and energy efficiency objectives are maintained. ● Accelerating the commissioning schedule
  • Eliminating comfort complaints as much as possible during the break-in period that too often stretches over a long period of time.

The recommissioning

The recommissioning of buildings is a rigorous process to achieve multiple objectives simultaneously, which can be achieved on existing installations of more than 5 years, or on a new building on which the commissioning has not been properly executed. The specificity of recommissioning activities is the very short-term profitability (less than 3 years). Recommissioning covers the following activities:

  • Improved energy efficiency of systems
  • Reduced operating costs (maintenance and energy)
  • Improved thermal comfort and air quality
  • Update of the documentation on the various electromechanical systems
  • Updating the knowledge of operating and maintenance staff and their training.

This complete process allows for in-depth analysis of your existing electromechanical installations and includes 4 well-defined steps in which VOSS Experts-Conseils can assist you:

  • Planning
  • Investigation
  • Implementation
  • Transfer and persistence


Depending on your needs or the necessity to use the financial incentives offered, the RCx approach may be simplified or partially implemented. Ask our experts for an assessment!

However, these organizations require that the process be supervised by an accredited agent. Jonathan Thibault, co-founder of VOSS Experts-Conseils is a RCx accredited agent with the TEQ.


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